Thursday, 20 May 2010

Parody of Levi's Secrets and Lies advert

Currently, I am developing an advert that sympathises with the Secrets and Lies advert for Levis Jeans that was released last year as part of the Live Unbuttoned Campaign.

Here is the original Levis advert:

I will be using the themes, concepts, cinematography, styles etc to sell a completely different product or service.

As the advert has sexual connotations it will be interesting to choose a product that is not classed as 'sexy'. This will allow space for more creativity and originality and therefore will demonstrate my creative skills as a copy writer.

Let me know if you have any ideas for products that are unsexy!

So far my list includes:
Window cleaner
Dog Food
Plant Fertilizer
Education (service)
Politics (service)
Cillit Bang
Plant Food (NOT the illegal type...!)
Parker Fountain Pen

I will be researching into these products and see where I get to using 180 degrees thinking

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